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Creating a Memorable Guest Experience Post COVID-19 – Design Thinking


Our world has seen a radical change due to the outbreak of the global pandemic COVID-19. To prevent ourselves from getting affected by this virus, we will need to think over and make alterations in almost everything we do. This includes how we work, exercise, socialize, shop, manage our health, educate our kids, take care of family members, etc. 

Revisions Made by StayVista

For us at StayVista, it is of utmost importance to adapt to the changing consumer landscape that offers both challenges as well as opportunities. The Covid-19 crisis is an unfortunate yet a perfect opportunity for user experience designers. Since no one in the hospitality industry has witnessed the Covid-19 outbreak as a design problem, the crisis presents a chance to explore out of the box thinking.

At StayVista, we constantly strive towards creating a memorable guest experience. In furtherance to our efforts, to address this crisis, we have re-designed the entire guest experience at our properties to create a hygienic, safe and stress-free stay. 

Breaking Down the Process

In order to achieve the same, we have deployed a UCD (user-centric design) approach. This approach enables one to come up with a detailed set of affinity clusters based on past user (guest) research and current user data. These include the primary users – i.e. guests, the secondary users – i.e. caretakers, chefs & helpers and the product – i.e. Vista properties. 

Affinity mapping helped us paint a better picture of what our guests’ world would look like in a post COVID19 scenario and most importantly – what they will be looking for when they book our villas. Hence, this affinity process has let us create a remarkable space and build a memorable experience for our guests.

A pictorial representation of guest mapping during check-in

Nitty-Gritty of the Process

To get into details, with the help of affinity mapping, we created a very detailed flow chart of what guests would need from the moment they step into our villas until they leave. This allows us to mould the experience around the guests needs, and to allocate greater resources in those physical areas where they’re likely to spend most of their time. It also helped us identify the various touch points a guest will come in contact with during their stay at the villa. These touch points will be regularly sanitized by our villa staff at regular intervals.

A snippet of the Guest movement flow

Another important aspect of seamless transition for the guests will be – information sharing. Clarity of information is necessary as the guest will have to follow a set of measures to safeguard themselves and others around them. To accomplish this, we will affix detailed signages at our properties highlighting the WHO and Government guidelines, elaborated pool signage will be available near the pool area and other signages wherever applicable.

More Information to Wind Up

Furthermore, there will be a detailed procedure that our staff present at the property will be made to undergo. Mandatory health checkups, hygiene and safety training and assessments are a few things involved in the process. At the time of check-in, check-out or interacting with the guests, they will be following strict hygiene and social distancing norms.

To conclude, our top priority is to ensure the health and safety of our guests. Application of Design Thinking is a great way to solve the real world problems in front of us, create a new and unique experience for our guests and set a new standard. 

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